The other day my four-year-old son mentioned his brain. I
asked him if he had any idea where it was and he said he didn’t know. I was on
the verge of explaining that the brain is where we do our thinking when I hesitated.
Saying that the brain is where thinking
goes on is like saying that the heart is where circulation goes on or an oven is where food preparation occurs. The
astrophysicist Carl Sagan once famously said: “If you wish to make an apple pie
from scratch, you must first invent the universe.” The same could be said of
This doesn’t mean to say that we cannot understand thought,
or that the brain is a black box forever closed to neuroscience. It simply
means that thought is not something that can intelligibly be attributed to brains
or neurons. Thought is something that skilled organisms do in virtue of tools and techniques that they acquire to a very substantial
degree from culture – just like the tools and techniques etc. that enable food
Either thinking is an action or else it is not. If it is an
action then it is mistaken to suppose that brains think, because brains are not
agents and cannot act. Only embrained bodies – persons – are agents and only
agents are capable of doing things.
If we want to insist that thinking is not an action, then we face multiple difficulties and objections.
For example, it would no longer be coherent to respond to the question “What
are you doing?” by saying “I’m just thinking,” and we would face the formidable
challenge of distinguishing between ongoing brain processes that are clearly
not actions and the thoughts that we have decided do not qualify as actions
Similar absurdities arise when we entertain sci-fi fantasies
about brains in vats. A brain in a vat wouldn’t have experiences, not even
memory experiences. Strictly speaking, memory recall is not an experience.
Whilst we have ways of recounting the past and these capacities – consciously
entertained – often elicit emotional responses, these responses are not in the brain, they are embodied (including
the brain of course). Not only are brains incapable of actions but they have no
feelings either. They have no sense receptors. Nor do brains memorise feelings
– they don’t have to. When we recall a memory the associated emotional
responses are generated anew in the body
including the brain. So a brain stripped of a body wouldn’t have feelings
of any kind – either emotional or sensory. It would be a thing with a notional
capacity to initiate actions but no opportunity to do so, nor to feel the
embodied frisson of recall. And if the trauma of surgery did not kill it
outright, the trauma of desperate isolation would almost certainly lead to a
very rapid demise. Even people with locked-in syndrome are not “cut off” from
sensation, and the accounts of those who have survived paint a unimaginable
picture of desolation and despair.
Your brain is your body and your body is you.
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